Student Research

Student Research

The Effects of Minimum Wage Legislation on Company Decision-Making: The Case of the Hotel and Restaurant Sector in Lithuania

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2005

Lina Banytė and Žygimantas Mauricas
The Information Efficiency of the Stock Markets in Lithuania and Latvia

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2005

Kristiāna Ķiete and Gediminas Uloza
Perceived Involvement in Decision-Making and Job Satisfaction: The Evidence from a Job Satisfaction Survey among Nurses in Estonia

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2005

Mirko Känd and Martin Rekor
An Expenditure-Based Estimate of Latvia's Shadow Economy

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2005

Renata Bernotaitė and Anastasija Piskunova
The Study of the Self-Gift Concept in Latvia. A Comparison between Gender and Ethnic Factors

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2005

Terēze Ase and Tatjana Rebeša
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Research experience

To incorporate all the knowledge acquired during studies and to fulfill final degree requirements, students should undertake a major research task. In this section you can download some of the best SSE Riga student research papers.

Recognized by experts

For several years in a row SSE Riga students have been absolute winners in the annual Bank of Latvia Student Research Competition.
Zane Vārpiņa
Associate Professor. Faculty Adviser. Lecturer. BSc Courses: Research Methods for Bachelor Thesis; Market Research; EMBA Course: Fact-based Managerial Decision-Making & Research Methods. Read More
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