Student Research

Student Research

Removing China from the EU's equation: The replacement of imports during Covid-19

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2024 : 3 (266)

Polīna Karaseva and Ilze Katrīna Lumpova
Navigating Climate Risks: Assessing Cross-Border Spillovers of African Climate Shocks on European Union through International Trade

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2024 : 2 (265)

Luīze Mestere and Anastasija Sergeļa
Unveiling Greenhushing Practices under the European Green Claims Directive: The Interplay of Greenwashing, Legal Risk, and Corporate ESG Communications   

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2024 : 1 (264)

Jūlija Kondratjeva and Roberts Oskars Vītiņš
Family Business Succession in Latvia

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2023 : 11 (263)

Ivo Klotiņš and Dainis Skrinda
Justifying Limitations of Liberty: Evaluation of Arguments Used in Saeima’s and the Cabinet of Ministers’ COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Discussions

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2023 : 10 (262)

Evelīna Daniela Baltiņa and Toms Truksnis
1 2 3 4 5 ... 36

Research experience

To incorporate all the knowledge acquired during studies and to fulfill final degree requirements, students should undertake a major research task. In this section you can download some of the best SSE Riga student research papers.

Recognized by experts

For several years in a row SSE Riga students have been absolute winners in the annual Bank of Latvia Student Research Competition.
Zane Vārpiņa
Associate Professor. Faculty Adviser. Lecturer. BSc Courses: Research Methods for Bachelor Thesis; Market Research; EMBA Course: Fact-based Managerial Decision-Making & Research Methods. Read More
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