Student Research

Student Research

The Effect of the Collateral Channel in Europe: Cross-Country Evidence

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2016

Karl-Alexander Sepp and Henri Martin Nirk
Global Value Chains and Labour in the Baltics and Eastern Europe

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2016

Linda Vildava
Determinants of Service Exports of Lithuania: A Gravity Model Approach

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2015

Galina Covaci and Sanda Moldovan
Measuring the EU Structural Funds' Impact on Latvia’s Agricultural Sector: a Malmquist Index Approach

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2015

Arturs Aleksandrovics and Sandis Smilts
Social Impact Bonds: Applicability in Latvia

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2015

Kristīne Liepiņa and Diana Petraitytė
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Research experience

To incorporate all the knowledge acquired during studies and to fulfill final degree requirements, students should undertake a major research task. In this section you can download some of the best SSE Riga student research papers.

Recognized by experts

For several years in a row SSE Riga students have been absolute winners in the annual Bank of Latvia Student Research Competition.
Zane Vārpiņa
Associate Professor. Faculty Adviser. Lecturer. BSc Courses: Research Methods for Bachelor Thesis; Market Research; EMBA Course: Fact-based Managerial Decision-Making & Research Methods. Read More
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