Student Research

Student Research

Does the Financial Cycle Theory Explain Short Term Deviations from Covered Interest Rate Parity?

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2017

Signe Kārkliņa and Dominykas Rajunčius
Impact of ECB Unconventional Measures on Monetary Policy Stance

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2017

Olegs Matvejevs
The Effects of Stock Ownership by Exchange-Traded Funds on Corporate Investment

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2017

Volodymyr Moroz and Maksim Naruta
Driving Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Employees Choice between Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship in Latvia

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2017

Normunds Blumbergs
The Potential for Developing a Social Impact Investment Market in Latvia

SSE Riga Student Research Papers 2017

Aija Veigure and Anželika Zorina
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Research experience

To incorporate all the knowledge acquired during studies and to fulfill final degree requirements, students should undertake a major research task. In this section you can download some of the best SSE Riga student research papers.

Recognized by experts

For several years in a row SSE Riga students have been absolute winners in the annual Bank of Latvia Student Research Competition.
Zane Vārpiņa
Associate Professor. Faculty Adviser. Lecturer. BSc Courses: Research Methods for Bachelor Thesis; Market Research; EMBA Course: Fact-based Managerial Decision-Making & Research Methods. Read More
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