Roundtable: Situation Snapshot and Integration of Ukrainian Displaced People in Moldova

Friday, September 13, 2024, 13:30 – 15:00
Chisinau, ArtCore

This roundtable event brings together a  group of academics, policymakers, and key stakeholders who have been instrumental in shaping and supporting policies, research, and on-the-ground initiatives for Ukrainian displaced people in Moldova. The event will provide an overview of the current situation, challenges, and future prospects for Ukrainians who have sought refuge in Moldova following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Since the onset of the conflict in Ukraine, Moldova, a neighbouring country, has experienced a significant influx of displaced people. Over one million border crossings from Ukraine into Moldova have been recorded, and approximately 125,000 Ukrainians remain registered in the country. This is a substantial number, considering Moldova's population is only 2.5 million. Two and a half years after the invasion began, we discuss the situation now.

Lunch is served from 12:30, you are welcome to join.

Welcome and Opening Remarks by Kata Fredheim

Snapshot: Current Situation of Ukrainian Displaced People in Moldova  (7 mins each)

  • Veronica Arpintin, State Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalisation
  • Sabina Sandu, UNHCR Assistant Protection Officer
  • Tatiana Colesnicova and Mihail Ciobanu, National Institute for Economic Research of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova

Integration: Zooming into the integration of of Ukrainian Displaced People in Moldova (7 mins each)

  • Felicia Becthold: State Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection
  • Olga Poalelungi: National Institute for Economic Research
  • Svetlana Andries, Deputy Representative, UN Women Moldova

Discussion: Supporting Displaced Communities: Lessons Learned and Future Strategies  (7 mins each)

  • Violeta Andriuța CPR Moldova
  • Vladimir Ternavschi, Executive Director, EcoVisio Moldova

Discussion and Concluding Remarks

Participants include Olga Poalelung, Kata Fredheim (host), Karin Borovic, Svetlana Andries, Simion Sirbu, Ina Gradinaru, Violeta Andriuța, Vladimir Ternavschi, Cristiana Sitnic-Caraman, Catalina Birsanu, Tatiana Colesnicova, Natalia Vinogradova, Felicia Bechtold, Veronia Arpiting, Ciobanu Mihail, Sabina Sandu, and Denis Valac. 

Please register for the event