Open Workshop: Transforming Through Turmoil — How Firms' Evolving Crisis Responses Drive Business Transformation
Thursday, April 10, 2025, 15:00 – 17:00
SSE Riga, Room 507
The aim of the Open Workshop Series in Business and Management Studies is to promote top-quality academic and applied research in various fields of the social sciences. This is a unique opportunity for sharing knowledge and networking with local and international community members.
Speaker: Prof. Kim Klyver, University of Southern Denmark (Denmark) and University of Adelaide (Australia)
Recognizing the evolving nature of crises, this research delves into the processual aspects of firms’ reorientations, emphasizing the crucial role of temporality. Drawing on process data and 60 in-depth interviews conducted during the initial, highly uncertain months of the Covid-19 crisis and later phases, our study examines how and why 30 firms reorient their crisis reactions over the course of a crisis. Our results and resulting process model introduce 'capacity emergence' as an important new theoretical construct that, together with the temporal depth of managers’ crisis perceptions, shapes and is shaped by firms’ reorientations. The model further elucidates the critical interaction between short-term adaptability and longer-term transformative reorientation over time.

Kim Klyver is professor in entrepreneurship at University of Southern Denmark and adjunct professor at University of Adelaide. Before becoming a full professor, he has held postdoc positions at Swinburne University of Technology (2006), Stanford University (2009), as part-time visiting scholar at Stockholm School in Economics (2017-20).
Kim’s main research interests include entrepreneurship, social capital (social networks), crises, gender, and institutional theory. His research has received several scientific rewards internationally. He has published 50+ international peer reviewed journal papers, and his research has appeared in journals such as Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Business Ethics, Small Business Economics, and International Small Business Journal.
He has 8 FT50 publications since 2019. He is associate editor of Journal of Business Research and serves on several editorial boards, including the board of Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice and International Small Business Journal. He has been the principal investigator on several research projects funded by the Danish Research Council and is currently leading the Danish Panel Studies on Entrepreneurial Dynamics (DaPSED) and a large project on SMEs and Covid-19.
His co-authored textbook ‘Entrepreneurship Theory in Practice – Paradoxes in Play’ comes out in 2025 in fourth edition. Recently he has also published (with Tom Elfring and Elco van Burg) “Entrepreneurship as Networking: Mechanisms, Dynamics, Practices, and Strategies” at Oxford University Press and as solo-author “Everyday entrepreneurship” (in Danish). His 2022 book on crisis and SMEs (in Danish) was announced as the second best management book in 2022 by the major Danish business newspaper Børsen.
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Discussion moderated by Prof. Arnis Sauka.
Attendance is free of charge.
Please sign up for the seminar, by writing to by April 9, 2025.
The aim of the SSE Riga Open Workshop Series is to:
- Foster cooperation between business and management researchers, practitioners and policymakers, as well as
- Promote academic and applied research in various fields of the social sciences, focusing on but not limited to entrepreneurship, marketing, management, public administration, and strategy.
Organised by Professor Arnis Sauka, the Centre for Sustainable Business at SSE Riga