Landes Xavier

Landes Xavier

Associate Professor. BSc Courses: International Politics Specialisation; Ethics and Sustainable Business; Academic Studies and Critical Thinking; Climate Change; Welfare State; Introduction to Political Philosophy; Contemporary Issues in Ethics. Department of Business and Management

Xavier Landes is Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. After studying economics, political science and philosophy, Landes got his Ph.D. in philosophy from Université de Montréal in 2008. He worked at various institutions such as Université de Montréal (CRE), University of Toronto (Centre for Ethics), University of Copenhagen, Université Catholique de Lille. He is also a lecturer at Stradins University and Sciences Po Lille.


His fields of specialization are political philosophy and normative economics with an emphasis on business ethics, happiness and the welfare state. His current focus is on climate change issues, through course development and a book to be published in 2022 on geoengineering.


He published in diverse academic journals such as Journal of Business EthicsRes PublicaPublic Health EthicsDialogue: Canadian Philosophical ReviewThe Ethics ForumRevue Philosophique de Louvain, Journal of Social Philosophy. He is co-editor of the book series Key Issues in Climate Change and Sustainability: Ethics, Politics and Policy at Rowman and Littlefield.


He has also been a regular contributor to various medias in Denmark, France and Latvia (e.g. Slate, Satori). He is an advisor for The Happiness Research Institute, a Copenhagen-based think tank devoted to promote well-being and quality of life.


Ph.D. philosophy, 2008 (Université de Montréal)
Master philosophy, 2003 (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne)
BA philosophy, 2001 (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne)
Diploma political sciences, equivalent Master (Institut d’Études Politiques de Toulouse)
B.Sc. economics (Université d’Aix-Marseille II)

Selected publications

Landes, Xavier (2024), La Géoingénierie, Paris, Que sais-je

Landes, Xavier (2024), Engineering and Governing the Climate, New York, Rowman & Littlefield

Landes, Xavier, Dominik Gerber, and Christopher Rieber (eds.) (2021), The Ethics and Politics of Climate Change, Res Publica

Landes, Xavier and Pierre-Yves Néron, ‘Morality and Market Failures: Asymmetry of Information’, Journal of Social Philosophy, 49:2 (2018): 564-588

Landes, Xavier, ‘Consensus and Liberal Legitimacy: From First to Second Best?’ The Ethics Forum/Les Ateliers de l’Éthique, 12:1 (2017): 107-123

Nielsen, Morten E.J. and Xavier Landes (2016) ‘Fighting Status Inequalities: Non-domination vs Non-interference’, Public Health Ethics, 9:2, pp.155-163

Landes, Xavier and Pierre-Yves Néron (2015), ‘Public Insurance and Equality: From Redistribution to Relation’, Res Publica, 21:2, pp.137-154

Landes, Xavier (2015) ‘Why Taxing Consumption: Justifications, Objections and Social Cooperation’ in Helmut P. Gaisbauer, Gottfried Schweiger and Clemens Sedmak (eds), Philosophical Explorations of Justice and Taxation: National and Global Issues, New York, Springer, pp.101-117

Landes, Xavier (2015) ‘Building Happiness Indicators: Some Philosophical and Political Issues’, Les Ateliers de l’Éthique, 10:2, pp.4-37

Landes, Xavier (2015) ‘How Fair Is Actuarial Fairness?’ Journal of Business Ethics, 128:3, pp.519-533

Landes, Xavier, Martin Marchman and Morten E.J. Nielsen (2013), ‘Should We Equalize Status in order to Equalize Health?’ Public Health Ethics, 6:1, pp.104-112

Landes, Xavier, Martin Marchman and Morten E.J. Nielsen (2012), ‘The Academic Rat-Race: Dilemmas and Problems in Academic Competition’, Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences, 5:2, pp.73-90

Landes, Xavier and Morten E.J. Nielsen (2012), ‘Intra-Family Inequality and Justice’, Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, 51:1, pp.1-30

Membership in professional organisations

Centre for Advanced Migration Studies (AMIS), University of Copenhagen
Nordic Network in Political Theory
Network Philosophy-Economics
Canadian Business Ethics Research Network (CBERN)
Expert at the Academy of Sciences of Latvia: politics, philosophy

Grants and awards

Postdoctoral Grant, Danish Research Council for Independent Research (Humanities) (2010-2012)

Postdoctoral Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC) (2008-2010)

Excellence Grant, J.A. de Sève Fondation (2007)

Project Grant, Canadian Centre of German and European Studies (University of Montreal) (2006)

Project Grant, Institute for European Studies (McGill University/ University of Montreal) (2005)

Excellence Grant, Department of Philosophy, University of Montreal (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007)

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