Kaša Rita
Rita Kaša holds a PhD in Comparative Education from the State University of New York in Buffalo, USA; MA and BA in Political Science from the University of Latvia. Her research interests concern educational policy, finance and governance with specific focus on student financial assistance policies in the circumstances of intensifying transnationalism, equity and equality in educational access. Rita is a board member in Latvia Dyslexia Association and is a member of Comparative and International Education Society. As a Fulbright scholar to the US, Rita has worked for the International Comparative Higher Education Finance and Accessibility Project (http://gse.buffalo.edu/org/IntHigherEdFinance/), chaired by Dr. Bruce Johnstone; she has also assisted in the study Religion Among Academic Scientists, led by Dr. Elaine Howard Ecklund (http://www.owlnet.rice.edu/~ehe/raas.html).
Ph.D. in Comparative Education (SUNY Buffalo, USA)
M.A. in Political Science (University of Latvia, Latvia)
B.A. in Political Science (University of Latvia, Latvia)
Research interests
Higher education finance, educational policy, social integration