Decoding Sustainability

November 13, 2024 - February 13, 2025
Hanken & SSE in Helsinki

  • November 13 -14 , 2024
    The business case for change
  • December 17 -18
    Sustainability topics deep-dive
  • January 15 - 16, 2025
    Integrated sustainability practices
  • February 13, 2025
    Action plan for success

Unlock the potential of sustainability for lasting business success with our Decoding Sustainability programme. Designed for forward-thinking leaders, this programme bridges the gap between ambition and action, fostering a shared understanding of sustainability and ESG principles. Join us to elevate your organisation's sustainability agenda and drive meaningful, long-term impact.


Who should attend

The Decoding Sustainability programme is for CEOs, CFO, CSOs and CMOs, those with P&L responsibility and Business development. For those, who want to find the way, tools and processes to wake up their organisations to a sustainability-driven economy. The programme is suitable for those who have a passion for securing the future of their organisation and are ready to take a leap in improving their sustainability action operations with long-term business impact.


  • 13 – 14 November 2024

The business case for change

  • 17 –18 December 2024

Sustainability topics deep-dive

  • 15 – 16 January 2025

Integrated sustainability practices

  • 13 February 2025

Action plan for success


Mia Folkesson, Managing Director, Impaktly Group


Digital and sustainability transformation expert. Mia is a seasoned business development executive and board professional in digital and regenerative business models. Mia is a Founder and Managing Director of Impaktly, a regenerative growth consultancy. Mia is additionally a Member of the Board of Finnish Industry Investment (Tesi) and Vieser. Future proofing tomorrow’s leading companies is Mia’s passion. During her career, Mia has worked with and helped global corporations embrace digital and sustainability disruptions.

Antti Maunula, Managing Director, Impaktly Strategy


Digital and sustainability transformation expert. Business advisor and entrepreneur supporting companies in planning and executing business transformations. Antti is an experienced management consultant who has the ability to coach clients in translating strategies into concrete actions. Antti is driven by creating impactful business change.

Hanna Silvola, Associate Professor, Hanken School of Economics


Hanna Silvola researches and teaches responsible investing at Hanken and in management training programmes. Silvola's research areas include measuring, reporting, certifying and interpreting corporate responsibility as part of financial information and decision-making. Silvola has taught at the London School of Economics and visited Stanford University. She is the author of the book ”Vastuullisuudesta ylituottoa sijoituksiin”, published in 2019. Silvola is also a Member of the Consultative Working Group on Sustainable Finance in the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

Benefits to the participants

  • A shared language and understanding of Sustainability and ESG topics, key inspirators, leading academics and latest research.
  • A company-specific sustainability current and desired state assessment for quick wins and long-term development areas.
  • Alignment of management through a common agenda and understanding – defining your commercial sustainability agenda.
  • Actionable roadmap for long-term commercial value and success.

Benefits for the organization

  • Purposeful action

    Concretise operations from purpose to action towards the position that you desire

  • Operational strategy

    Identify both short-term quick fixes to current operations and long-term development initiatives for the company

  • Development roadmap

    Create a road map for development including short- and long-term activities and initiatives

  • Sustainability plan

    Outline for sustainability commercial action plan for sustainable success

  • ESG framework

    Framework and tools, strategic competence to drive sustainability and ESG issues

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Programme Calendar

Elīza Blumfelde
Executive Education Operations and Marketing Manager. Read More