Anders Wall Scholarship of 150 000 SEK now open for applications
The Anders Wall scholarship is one of the most generous scholarships to a student at SSE Riga and is granted to the student who shows entrepreneurial skills as well as good study results.
Each year, one student from SSE Riga is awarded the Anders Wall scholarship - the chosen talent has to display entrepreneurial passion. The scholarship aims at encouraging young ambitious people to develop their entrepreneurship. In 2021, the Anders Wall scholarship of SEK 125,000 was awarded to SSE Riga student Nikita Stepanovs.
The application for Anders Wall scholarship 2022 is now open - please see additional information in the poster posted below. The Scholarship this year has been increased to SEK 150 000 (EUR 15 000).

The deadline for application (don't forget to prepare a 3min video pitch) is November 5, 2021.
Anders Wall Foundation provides scholarships to young SSE Riga talents since 1996. More information: www. wallstiftelsen.se