The event was initiated by one of the original construction engineers Uldis Paegle, and was attended by three employees of Skanska Construction Company from Sweden, as well as others who were directly involved in the construction project. 

Former Pro-Rector of SSE Riga, Maris Slokenbergs, as well as Māra Katvare from the Ministry of Education and Science gave an interesting talk on their roles in the establishment of SSE Riga.  

The SSE Riga building was officially inaugurated in the presence of H.M. the King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf, and the President of the Republic of Latvia Guntis Ulmanis on November 8, 1994. 

Since the building was opened as a school in 1994, it has become as a second home for more than 2000 students and is one of the most photographed Art Nouveau buildings in Riga.