Results for careers

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Chat With Our Students

…admissions interview? Written by Roberts Ralfs So, this part may seem scary to a high school student that has not had any experience with case studies or had interviews, especially ones that may have such a huge effect on the future of their careers. I was completely nervous about the interview since I was not a confident speaker even in my native language. Let’s start with the format: The interview consists of two parts: a discussion of a case study you will have been given before the…
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#SSERiga30: Anders Paalzow's path alongside SSE Riga

…know how I knew about it but it sparked an interest in business and economics that apparently was already in me. And then I ended up at SSE. Did I know what I wanted to do afterward - no, I didn’t. I didn’t consider going into an academic career until the very end of the third study year when in one subject I produced a fairly decent report. The professor called me on a Friday asking me if I wanted to proceed my studies to another level by teaching others, I said I hadn’t thought about it…
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Podcast - ESI What's Next

… In this episode of the ESI What's Next? our host Alex Felman sits down with Viesturs Sosars to discuss how to teach entrepreneurship in a practical way. It touches on such topics as what skills entrepreneurs need to learn, at what point in your career should you start your entrepreneurial journey, how to fail less painfully and how entrepreneurship is different in different parts of the world. It is the perfect entry point both for the ESI What's Next? series and your personal journey into entrepreneurship…
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Podcast - Person of Interest

…smart investment and why ethical decisions matter even in the highly competitive financial markets. Andris has graduated from SSE Riga and holds a master's degree in economics from the Central European University (Hungary). He began his financial career in 2001 as an audit consultant at Ernst & Young. In 2005 he started working for Hansa Investment Funds (now Swedbank group), initially as a financial markets analyst, and later as a fund manager. Andris has been with Citadele group since 2007.…
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