Results for careers

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…nbsp; Due to the fact that SSE Riga maintains close relationships with its alumni, quite a lot of job advertisements arrive via e-mail straight to students’ inboxes. Furthermore, many get in touch with their future employers during the SSE Riga career fair, Days of Opportunities, which takes place every Spring and attracts more than 40 companies from the Baltics. Very often, students receive full-time job offers from their internship companies upon graduation. Further opportunities…
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Stress Management and Resilience Workshop

…greatness. Content Participants will have an opportunity to reflect on their most stressful situations at work and get useful tools on how to overcome them. Key topics covered during the workshop will be: Why burnout can be detrimental to your career and how to prevent it? 4 levels of stress, how to recognize them and what strategies to use to combat them? How to deal with difficulties, create resilience, and be robust enough to face failures and mistakes? How sleeping, eating, exercising…
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Being a student athlete while attending SSE Riga

…had to find a new place to train and also attend a completely new school that is notorious for its high academic demands. Since the first day in accounting class, I realized how important time management is if I wanted to keep pursuing my athletic career at the same time. Luckily, the hybrid format and even complete off-site study options (implemented as a result of Covid restrictions at the time) have really helped me along the way. Without these options, I don't think I would have come so…
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Career Development

Career Development Programme This programme is aimed at preparing students theoretically and practically for a future career and helps strengthen the links between students and potential employers. The Career Development programme lasts for the whole study period and provides a variety of supports, ranging from equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed for employment, giving insights into labour market needs and trends, organizing internships, showing further study perspectives,…
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Career Fair: Days of Opportunities

The wait for Days of Opportunities is almost over as the annual career fair will take place on the 8th of April.
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